We want everyone to get the most out of this community, so we ask that you please read and follow these guidelines:
1. Respect: All members must respect each other, irrespective of their opinions. No personal attacks, harassment, or hate speech will be tolerated.
2. Relevance: Ensure that your posts are relevant to the forum topics. Off-topic posts may be removed.
3. No Spam: Do not post spam or self-promotional content without prior approval from the moderators.
4. Language: Use appropriate language at all times. Profanity, slurs, and offensive language are not allowed.
5. Privacy: Respect the privacy of others. Do not share personal information about other members without their consent.
6. No Illegal Content: Sharing or discussing illegal content is strictly prohibited.
7. Safe Content: Do not post content that is violent, sexually explicit, or potentially harmful.
8. Fact-Checking: If you share news or information, ensure it's accurate and from a reputable source.
9. Cite Sources: If you use information or images that aren't yours, make sure you cite the source.
10. No Trolling: Purposefully aggravating other users, baiting, or trolling is not permitted.
11. Moderation: Respect the decisions of the moderators. If you disagree with a moderation decision, please contact them privately.
12. Account Responsibility: You are responsible for all activities conducted through your account. Do not share your login details with others.
Please remember that failure to adhere to these rules can result in warnings, temporary bans, or permanent bans, depending on the severity of the violation.