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Click on the picture for detailed information:PictureNameGenderMain ColorBreedAgeBrought to the ShelterLocated AtDog (A1838144)FemaleBr brindleDoberman Pinscher mix00 Years
01 Months
20 Days00052025.01.12Riverside County Animal Control - Riverside ShelterDog (A1838145)MaleBr brindleDoberman Pinscher mix00 Years
01 Months
20 Days00052025.01.12Riverside County Animal Control - Riverside ShelterDog (A1838147)FemaleBr brindleDoberman Pinscher mix00 Years
01 Months
20 Days00052025.01.12Riverside County Animal Control - Riverside ShelterDog (A1838148)MaleBr brindleDoberman Pinscher mix00 Years
01 Months
20 Days00052025.01.12Riverside County Animal Control - Riverside ShelterA703639FemaleBlackDoberman Pinscher00 Years
01 Months
30 Days00142025.01.03City of Sacramento Animal Care ServicesURGENT MED ADOPT DOROTHY (A813388)FemaleBlackDoberman Pinscher mix00 Years
03 Months
15 Days00022025.01.15San Bernardino County - Devore ShelterWEEBEE (A701972)FemaleBlackDoberman Pinscher and Rottweiler00 Years
04 Months
14 Days00452024.12.03City of Sacramento Animal Care ServicesCHIEF (A162550)Male (Neutered)BrownDoberman Pinscher mix00 Years
05 Months
14 Days00002025.01.17El Dorado County Animal Services - PlacervilleIZZY (A771828)FemaleBrownDoberman Pinscher00 Years
06 Months
25 Days00262024.12.22City of Rancho Cucamonga Animal ShelterWESTLEY (A697482)MaleBlackDoberman Pinscher mix00 Years
06 Months
30 Days01212024.09.18City of Sacramento Animal Care ServicesSHOCK (A697481)MaleBlackDoberman Pinscher mix00 Years
06 Months
30 Days01212024.09.18City of Sacramento Animal Care ServicesSIR (A697478)MaleBlackDoberman Pinscher mix00 Years
06 Months
30 Days01212024.09.18City of Sacramento Animal Care ServicesMOLLY (A351389)Female (Spayed)BrownDoberman Pinscher00 Years
07 Months
23 Days01002024.10.09Stockton Animal ShelterLIEUTENANT LEMUR (A703942)MaleRedDoberman Pinscher00 Years
07 Months
25 Days00102025.01.07City of Sacramento Animal Care ServicesA695450MaleBlackDoberman Pinscher00 Years
07 Months
28 Days01502024.08.20City of Sacramento Animal Care ServicesADAM (A208984)Male (Neutered)BlackDoberman Pinscher mix00 Years
08 Months
02 Days00772024.11.01Mendocino County Animal Care ServicesMCKAY (A043019)MaleBlackDoberman Pinscher and German Shepherd Dog00 Years
08 Months
06 Days01822024.07.19City of Tracy Animal ServicesAPRIL (A604942)Female (Spayed)BlackDoberman Pinscher mix00 Years
08 Months
14 Days01372024.09.02NW SPCABAXTER (A604952)MaleBlackDoberman Pinscher mix00 Years
08 Months
14 Days01372024.09.02NW SPCAJAMES DEAN (A208695)Male (Neutered)BlackDoberman Pinscher00 Years
09 Months
09 Days00772024.11.01Mendocino County Animal Care ServicesA696604FemaleBlackDoberman Pinscher and German Shepherd Dog00 Years
09 Months
11 Days01332024.09.06City of Sacramento Animal Care ServicesBOBSLED (A702194)MaleBlackDoberman Pinscher00 Years
11 Months
10 Days00412024.12.07City of Sacramento Animal Care ServicesHUDSON (A574920)MaleBlackDoberman Pinscher00 Years
11 Months
11 Days00112025.01.06San Bernardino City Animal ControlA575323FemaleGrayDoberman Pinscher01 Years
00 Months
01 Days00012025.01.16San Bernardino City Animal ControlCONAN (A354941)MaleBrownDoberman Pinscher01 Years
00 Months
07 Days00072025.01.10Stockton Animal ShelterDog (A1837683)FemaleBrownDoberman Pinscher01 Years
00 Months
09 Days00092025.01.08Riverside County Animal Control - Riverside ShelterBURT REYNOLDS (A703715)MaleBlackDoberman Pinscher01 Years
00 Months
13 Days00132025.01.04City of Sacramento Animal Care ServicesRUBIX (A232968)Male (Neutered)BlackDoberman Pinscher01 Years
00 Months
14 Days00142025.01.03Hitchcock Road Animal ServicesDog (A1833662)MaleBrownDoberman Pinscher01 Years
01 Months
03 Days00352024.12.13Riverside County Animal Control - Riverside ShelterDOLLY (A565006)FemaleBl brindleDoberman Pinscher mix01 Years
01 Months
03 Days00102025.01.07San Bernardino City Animal ControlLUIGI (A574999)MaleRedDoberman Pinscher mix01 Years
01 Months
03 Days00102025.01.07San Bernardino City Animal ControlJOY (A353519)Female (Spayed)BrownDoberman Pinscher01 Years
01 Months
08 Days00392024.12.09Stockton Animal ShelterLOOFY (A528828)Male (Neutered)TricolorDoberman Pinscher and Australian Kelpie01 Years
01 Months
26 Days00332024.12.15Santa Barbara County Animal Services - Santa BarbaraDIAMOND (A701256)FemaleBlackDoberman Pinscher and German Shepherd Dog01 Years
01 Months
28 Days00582024.11.20City of Sacramento Animal Care ServicesANNIE (A701144)FemaleBlackDoberman Pinscher01 Years
01 Months
30 Days00602024.11.18City of Sacramento Animal Care Services
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We found him at the Escondido Human Society and got him licensed; he'll be getting neutered tomorrow.
-Drew from Escondido, CA
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All animals are available for adoption or rescue. So, if you are interested, go direct. "Make A Pledge" is a feature used to encourage animal rescues (a 501c3 nonprofit) to save the animal appearing in the photo on this post. If the animal is rescued, you will receive an email with the rescue's name, a photo of the rescued animal out of animal pound and links to information about how you can honor your pledge. Pledged money is used to get the animal medical attention, boarding, spay/neutered, transportation and other activities involved with rescuing an animal. Pledges are not given to private individuals. Our website merely gathers your pledge information, shows a running total of pledges, and then sends out one email on behalf of the rescue agency. If the animal is adopted or killed, you will not receive an email pertaining to your pledge or the animal. Pledging saves lives. Each dollar brings an animal rescue one step closer to saving the life listed here.
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